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Malones Natural Cleaning Products are non toxic cleaners that are gentle and safe for all. Made with all natural ingredients and scented with pure essential oils of relaxing lavender, geranium, rosemary and orange and lemon, Malones products promote stress free, effective cleaning.

Our products are safe for sufferers of asthma and/or allergies, where more mainstream products can aggravate the conditions. Malones extensive range of cleaning products are free from harsh chemicals such as chlorine bleaches, formaldehydes, phosphates, solvents and silicones.

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News and Tips from Malones of Dublin Ltd. Natural Irish cleaning products, effective cleaning products that are kind to your home, family & the environment.

T'is the season to declutter.... Tra la la la

Liz Queen of Clean


Queen of Clean decluttering tips

I know even as I begin that this is going to end up being a series of articles on this one subject.  There is such a lot of information to decluttering your home it’s hard to believe!

However, one thing we all agree on - once done the feeling of satisfaction is worth the effort.  All the signs show a tidy, decluttered home leads to feelings of well being, a sense of empowerment and of pride.

We've put together a few of our first tips and thoughts - let us know yours and we will add them to our next declutter feature - because there will be one!

#1. As per one of our daily tips.  If you don't use it, wear it, love it - dump it! Be strong, be ruthless. It's the only way to succeed at decluttering.

#2. Much as we might dislike taking a look at reality.  Step back; pretend you’re visiting your home as a visitor.  Ah yes that lava lamp that looked so well with the dusky lighting from your student days not looking so well in the kids playroom now is it? Tastes and fashions change. No room for sentiment in decluttering, it’s for the bin!

#3. Every time you leave a room, take something with you that doesn't belong there and put it away or bin it (are you getting the theme?)

#4. They say you should start with the small declutter jobs. I'm a firm believer of booking a weekend when it’s all about the decluttering.  But go with what works for you.  If it is the former pick the small areas to work on and it tends to help build momentum.

#5. If you didn't listen to me above its time to listen to me now.  Roll up the sleeves and BLITZ the place.

#6. As my mother used to say, "Aim to have a place for everything and everything in its place". I used to really dislike that phrase and now I parrot it to my own kids - it works, you should see where we keep our shoes! 

#7. Sort in piles.  I tend to work on this basis.  For friends, for charity, to sell.

#8. And relax! Is that a glass of wine I see before me.....